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A Haven for Growth, Empowerment and Joy

Choosing Joy Even When Things Are Hard

]It’s not always easy–choosing joy over suffering. It can be hard to be positive when it seems like things aren’t going as we believe that they should. I get it. I totally get it. When there seems to be so much bad in the world and life itself seems permeated with misery and frustration, how do we keep it together? How do we remember who we are and where we are going?  During times when the walls seem to spring from the ground, the blockages toward personal freedom can tear at the spirit of liberation. How do we keep going?

It’s no secret that your journey toward enlightenment can be a long winding road filled with perilous threats to the resilience of your joy and freedom. 

But you always have the power to choose.

Understand that nothing that has happened in your life can change the marvel of who you are and nothing that has happened can take away your right to be an expression of something different.

Joy is a brave choice. It is a choice that must be chosen purposefully without restriction. It is a choice that does not have to be dictated by external circumstances. 

As you walk your winding road, rise up and refuse to be limited by what you see, what you hear, what you feel. Break free of the emotional attachment found in the challenge of sickness, financial distress or whatever material limitation that threatens your serenity . Break free of the mind set that drowns your joy in a heap of toxic perspectives. Make a commitment to yourself to find joy on your winding road, wherever it may lead you. Know that it’s alive. It’s real, and it will bring you to a treasure of hidden jewels that will prosper your life.

Peace and Blessings,

Ignite Your Passion for Your Purpose

We all have a purpose. Some of us are brave enough to embrace it. Purpose gives meaning to our tribulation and helps us to feel resolution about our life direction. What many people don’t realize about purpose is that we can have more than one purpose. As we evolve and grow into higher dimensions of being, what we value and desire shifts to vibrate at a similar level. We may find that what we thought was important in our lives has indeed given way to other perceptions and the old way of being and doing things feels less enchanting. We may lose passion and think we have failed.  The key is to love ourselves and the manifestation of our purpose in all it’s many forms. As our purpose extends itself into new arenas, we should grow with its different expressions and allow ourselves to learn from the journey. Opening ourselves to the greater ebb and flow of our purpose allows for greater joy along the journey. 

Feeling the call toward purpose but don’t know how to start? Visit Our sister site Purpose Launchers and find out how we can help you step into the power of who you are and what you are meant to do. 

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